Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Making Connections

So many choices to make in life. We do the best we can, but the bottom line is we are all human, and we will never make all the perfect choices. We start things, we finish things, but I think a majority of the time we are somewhere in between. Somewhere in between is scary for me, because I feel like it is the unknown. The unknown is not somewhere that I like to be, because I like to plan things out. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a planner, bottom line. :) Of course I do love surprises, but I also like to know what is going on. I don't know about you, but my life doesn't work like that, ever! Life works something like this... 

Ok, never mind, I don't have a clue. I am along for the ride, just like everyone else. :)

Those in between times can be scary for sure, but I am finding that during these times are when I learn and grow the most. During these times, there are connections that are made, that I would have never seen before if I had just gone from start to finish. 

As much as I can be a task oriented person and want to get to that finish line as quickly as possible, I am realizing that it isn't all about the finish line. I think the in between times make me stop, so I can see more of the big picture through all of the small things. The small things in life make up the big picture.

So for today, I am choosing to stop and be appreciative of the in between times... appreciative for the growth and the opportunity to make connections in life. 

Always Going
Never Giving Up



  1. Awesome post Aimee! very insightful and true. Sometimes it is not about the finish, you have to enjoy the journey!

  2. You got it! Enjoying the journey is what it is all about!
