Sunday, August 26, 2012


I wrote this many years ago, but I was reading back through several journals this morning, and came across this. I was really struggling at the time with so many different things going on in my life. It is interesting that even during that time, I knew that it was going to be ok, and there was a plan, even though I didn't understand it, and even now sometimes I don't understand it. 

"It's all around me.
They tell me keep going, keep going
So I press on
When all I want is for it to go away.
My dreams, my desires
How can I 'be strong' when they keep fading away?

It's like a circle,
a never ending circle.
Be strong
Be courageous
But I'm afraid
But I despair
A never ending circle.

How do I tell them?
How do I explain?
God loves me,
I know that.
But it hurts,
I cry out.
And nothing else is said.

What now?
Where do I go?
I have been crying out.
My strength can no longer hold me up.
And in a quiet whisper God says,
'Be still, my child, be still.'

My circle is broken
By God's mighty strength

But it has been repaired
By his omnipotent hand.

No need for fear
No need for despair
'My strength is enough
Be still and trust in me.'

~May 2006

More to come with what I wrote, but for now, take time to think about your circle that continues to go around and around. What is it, what do you need to do? Is there something you can do?

Don't worry, there is hope, and a strength that is bigger than you and I!

Always Going
Never Giving Up


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