This is Absurd!
I was given a link to an article about a "big 10 game" that is going peanut free, so that those with peanut allergies can enjoy going to a football game without the worries of having a reaction while there.
The link is right above this... Feel free to read the article... Actually I want to encourage you to read the article before reading the rest of this blog post!
After reading the article, I read a couple of the comments below, and honestly had to start laughing. The whole thing is absurd...
1- it is absurd that people can be so insensitive to others that have food allergies, or for that matter for those that have any sort of disabilities.
2- it is absurd that people can write an article, and even comments, about something they really know nothing about.
3- it is absurd that there are kids and adults alike have food allergies, it isn't like any of us planned on having them, but we just have to deal with it.
Here is the bottom line... I can't say that I agree or disagree with this article. This is how this lady feels about a peanut free game, and she has every right to feel this way. How come she has to be restricted on something that doesn't affect her? Let's be honest... Are you insensitive to things that don't affect you? If you answered no, then you are lying to yourself, because we are all insensitive in someway to something that ends up messing things up for us. So who are we to judge her or anyone who feels this way.
I wonder if part of this had anything to do with people, parents, kids, who have put up such a stink to make sure that things happen in a way that makes it "normal" for them. My guess is, this lady has had some sort of interaction with someone with food allergies and it wasn't a pleasant one. We can all be guilty of pushing things on other people, and it can all be in the name of "doing what is best for our kids," "living a normal life or moment" "not having to worry," "being like everyone else." We are all selfish in our own way, wanting things to be "normal" for us.... And here is the deal... Everyone's normal looks different.
So what the heck am I saying? Is this lady right? No.... Are we right? Not necessarily...
At this point, some of you might think, how can you write about this topic or even give this article any of your time? Listen... I have severe food allergies and have had them my entire life - before food allergies was even a thing... And not just one food allergy... But the top 4 categories of allergies (out of 8)... People, I have almost died from a reaction... I was subject to all of this before there was any kind of FDA restrictions, certain labeling, cross contamination, the works, so don't sit there reading this thinking that I don't understand your situation... Believe me when I say... Or don't believe me... But I get it a whole lot more than you will ever know. My parents didn't advocate for me to have all these specials things, or for all these people to bend over backwards for me. They did what they could to keep me safe, bring food to places we were going, etc, but I was treated like a normal everyday person, I just happen to also have food allergies. You ask my brothers, and they will tell you just the same thing... That was Aimee... She had to watch out for the things that she ate, but we didn't treat her any differently, she was just our sister. That's it... Now understand, I do know that there are people out there that are severely allergic to peanuts to the point that a simple smell will cause an allergic reaction (I know I have the smelling reaction as well). I am not saying that they shouldn't have peanut free games... I am all for them... I do think that it is great... But we all have to be realistic about living in society.... It isn't always going to be like that. I encountered many people, growing up who never got it, and were very insensitive to it, but guess what that is life... There are always going to be people like that.
I already know that many of you are probably ready to fire back with, well you don't know me or my child's situation... You are right, I don't, but then again, you have no idea what I went through or what my family went through without the internet or heck, even just having another family with food allergies to bounce ideas off of. It was just us dealing with it everyday. They paved the way for you... I paved the way for you... And I continue to, because I never grew out of my allergies... Why you ask... I don't know....
But sometimes I wonder, I just wonder, if it was the opportunity to write this.....
Never underestimate what someone around you has been through before you make judgements, either way... The fact is, I didn't want to live in a bubble, and I am glad that I continue to fight to live a normal life, while staying safe.... And not just living, but thriving! I sincerely hope that those with peanut allergies that are going to the game have a fantastic time, not having to worry... Believe when I say... I understand, and I am happy that they are doing that, but remember that life is never going to be fully like that, and well you just have to say ok, and continue on with an incredible journey of a lifetime living YOUR life!
This life is nothing that we expect... it can be so much more than we imagined or something that we dread. This is my journey- starting things, finishing things, and somewhere in between.... living, learning, loving, trusting, praying for the incredible things that God has for my life.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Way too Long...
So it has been a really long time… WAY TOO LONG… since I
have written a blog post. I have started many, but haven’t followed through
with posting. But today I decided it was the day, and it is time to start
blogging again!
Question you may ask? What in the world is going on in my
life? Well, a lot!
Mostly it really has to do with work. Work and moving.
Work has been good, ended last year with a sweet group of
kids, a lot of work, but I felt like overall they made great progress, and are
ready to start a great year in Middle School this year.
At the end of May, toward the end of the school year, I
found out the condo I was living in was sold, and that I had to move. I was
able to find another condo closer to work. I am still getting settled, but overall
I am enjoying the new place, learning new routes around the area, and the
closer drive to work. I so loved living in the other place, and I will miss it,
but I am so thankful for the time that I was able to be there, experience the
quiet (yes quiet!) view of Atlanta, the business of the holidays and
activities, and the independence and growing of myself personally.
Over the summer, I stayed extremely busy. When I say busy I
mean busy. I think there was only 2 weeks in the whole summer that I didn’t
have things to do.
In May I found out that I was accepted into a program that
is offered to families of special needs in Georgia. It is called the GA PINES
program. The PINES stands for Parent Infant Network for Educational Services.
The purpose of this program is to provide early intervention services to
infants and parents in their natural environment, like their home, to give the
infants and parents as much support in living their lives as normally as
possible. There isn’t anything normal about special needs persons, their lives
are a challenge every day. I love that this program, starts early in the lives
of these infants and their families to give them as much support as possible! To
work with this program, I completed 2 weeks of trainings over the summer, with
homework and home visits involved. It was a lot of work, but now that I have
completed this, I am excited to be contracted through them as a Parent Advisor.
Now I am still working at the same school in my teaching position, this is just
on the side. A little over a month ago, I was given my first referral family. I
have made one visit, and it went well. I will say that this new thing is going
to be growing me a very personally way. I can’t imagine what these families go
through on a daily basis. I only hope that I can be an encouragement to this
family, and whatever families my come along my path.
I was also given the opportunity to speak to at a conference
for the school system that I work with. The subject matter was on Specially
Designed Instruction in special education setting. I really enjoyed the
experience. I learned a lot, a whole lot. I was given some good feedback on the
break out session that I did. I gave my presentation several times, and each
time was with a new set of teachers, so it really kept me on my toes. I do hope
that this is something I will have the opportunity to do again. It was my first
time doing anything like that, and I will forever be thankful for the
opportunity, no matter if it really does ever happen again.
Are you still reading? I know this is getting lengthy, so I
will wrap it up soon.
Many of you have seen pictures and such on facebook or
instagram of a certain guy and me together. Yes, that is my boyfriend, and his
name is Kojo. He is someone that I am very proud of, and could not say enough
amazing things about him. I am proud to stand by his side, as we have walked
through some difficult things already together over the past year or more. Overall
I am thankful for his mother. I wish I was able to meet her before her passing,
but from what I know about her, Kojo is just like her. She raised him to be a
respectable man, with an incredible heart. One day I will be able to thank her
for her hard work all these years, and I greatly look forward to that day!
The start of another school year, and it has already been a
rough one. I have some challenges that I am facing this year…. Ok… a lot of
challenges. I really am trying to just take one day at a time. At this point
that is all I can do. One day at a time… I think we all have those times in our
lives when we have to do this, and well, this is one of those times.
I have lots of personally growing moments in my life right
now, and I am thankful for them. Some days I am not as thankfully as others,
but I am working really hard to be thankful, just for the simple fact that I
know they are growing me more and more into the person that I was made to be.
I will leave with saying, more blogs to come… you will want
to stay tuned… there is lots more to talk about in the very near future that
you will not want to miss! J
Always Going,
Never Giving Up,
Never Giving Up,
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