Sunday, October 7, 2012



I was flipping through channels today and came across an interview that Oprah was conducting with someone, that I honestly can say I have no idea who they were. I didn't watch long, but one thing that caught my attention was the fact that she talked about journaling. I am a huge fan of journaling, and wondered what she was going to say. She said that for awhile everyday she would write in her journal one thing that she was thankful for that day. It could have been a note, phone call, hug, kiss, or something simple like a particular food that turned out just how she liked it! I thought about this for a moment, and really, I know that people will do things like this during the thanksgiving season, but what if it was something that was started now.

I guess the reason that this really struck me was because I just feel like I have had a terrible out look on life recently. I know that I haven't had the greatest of attitudes, and well, I have had a good reason why, but it still doesn't change the fact that you can't stay there. You can't stay in that place. I can't stay in that place.

So I decided that this is something that I need to start doing. My life is not perfect, and well some days it would just be easier to complain, but I really need to think about the things that I am thankful for. I told my kids that there are low words and high words in my book, and I am thinking that thankful is a lower word, so I came across grateful... I think I will use grateful from here on out... Now lets be honest, I will not be doing this everyday, but I think that if I can keep track of things and update every week, it would really let me look back on each year of my life, especially during the hard times, and to see all the goodness going on in my life...

So to start I will list lots of things, just because I am kind of behind... :)

My new place,
the incredible view every night,
girl time,
being held in a way that lets you know that you are not alone,
A day full of nothing but hanging out,
laying by the pool,
a new family with the best little girl that I get to just be there for and understand what she is going through,
A job,
chinese food from publix right next to my new place!,
permanent reminders that there is a plan,
boxing gloves,
cool air,
washer and dryer,
brother time,
the opportunity to be patient,
opportunity to make an impact,
loving on people,
time at the beach,
opportunity to live life

Yes, this is a lot, but I felt that I was a month behind, so there are 30 for the past 30 days, and one extra for today...

Always Going
Never Giving Up,


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