Thursday, August 7, 2014

I'm that Girl...

I’m that Girl

Over the last month or 2 I have really been on a journey to figure out who I am , what I am about, and where I am going. And right now I feel like it is on the fast track…. Really fast… yes I have my job as a teacher and other things I do on the side, but what am I doing to take care of myself, so that I can do my job the absolute best that I can.

So I am that girl that is doing Crossfit… yes, you read that right, Crossfit. Do I know that just by saying those words you might be thinking lots of different things, yes, and that is ok. Crossfit has gotten me to a place where not only am I accountable, but I am surrounded by a community that cares about me, and wants me to be the healthiest me there can be. They are encouraging, but we sure do work hard. And the hard work is paying off. I am down a couple of pounds, but honestly, who cares about the scale. I don’t. All I care about is being healthy, building muscle and stamina throughout my workouts so that it carries over into my daily life.

So I am that girl that is an Ava Anderson Non Toxic consultant. Just the words consultant also has you thinking and pondering I am sure, “what has she gotten into.”  Here is the difference in saying that I am a “consultant” and not that I am “selling” Ava Anderson products…  It is about the message… do the Ava Anderson products go along with the message yes, of course and that is why I am using them, but the things is, it is the message that is important for people to know. The message is about chemicals in our everyday products. You think they are safe, even the “clean products,” but once you start doing the research you realize it is far from it. I decided to become a consultant because of the message and the initiative the company is taking to make our world, us as human beings, and the products we use, safer, without all the harmful chemicals.

I knew that by writing this, I run the risk of judgment or questioning or wondering, or even doubt but here is the thing. My journey is to be the healthiest person I can be, not just for me, but for the people around me, the students I work with, my co-workers, my family, my friends, everyone. If I am not taking care of myself then how in the world can I influence the people around me. If I want to share the message of being healthy, and taking care of this body that was given to me by God, then I have to put action to it.

I am that girl, that has a message, that is not only ready to share, but to encourage.

I am that girl, that wants to make a difference, and I am proud of it.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Happy Birthday to me!

I love birthdays, not just mine, but everyone's birthdays! Might sound weird, but birthdays are a really big deal to me! I know for some, birthdays are just another year after you get a certain age, or it is just another day in the calendar. I almost got into that thinking this year, because to me it is a big year. It took me a little bit to admit it, but this is my last year in my 20's. Even now, I get a little nervous thinking about it. So I decided I needed to do something about this special year...

Birthdays to me are a special time to reflect and celebrate on the last year that was given to me or anyone. Some years can be more difficult than others, that is a fact that many of us have faced. But then there are some years that also were great! Regardless of the year, I can always look back and remember some very special and precious memories.

So where do I go from here... Well since this is my last year in my 20's, I decided that I would make a list of 30 things that I want to do or accomplish before I turn 30. I have been really thinking and reflecting on this for the last week, and I couldn't be happier with the list I came up with! My guess is you would like to read my list... well... here is the deal... I am not going to be posting my list, BUT once something is accomplished or checked off that list I will be blogging about it, to let you know how it happened, details, etc.

Honestly, I couldn't be more excited about this! Ever since I made my list I have felt centered, focused, and just really looking forward to this next year of life! I am looking forward to sharing my journey over the next year!

Happy Birthday to me!

Friday, April 11, 2014

So you think...

Sometimes you sit back and wonder, is it all worth it.
Everything I am going through is it all worth it,
Am I worth all of this.

I am here to tell you,
I am worth it.
Every ounce of unknowns and disappointments,
It doesn’t matter I am worth.

I am not perfect,
I will stumble and fall,
But the difference between you and me,
Is that I will become stronger through it all.

Don’t mistake my kindness and willingness
As a sign of weakness.
I am not weak, nothing about me is weak.
I know who I am,
I know where I belong.

My strength comes when you think I am done,
When you think you have gotten to me,
And used me.

Oh no, that is when my strength shines.
It comes out,
And then you step back and realize,
Oh I wish I had seen that before.

You may think you are right,
You may think you know me.
The truth is you don’t,
And you never will if you don’t try to.

It takes work,
It takes effort,
It takes a willingness to forgo yourself at times,
But the one thing I can promise is this…

It is worth it,
I am worth it…

And if you haven’t figured that out by now,
Then you never will.
And you know, that is ok,
Because not everyone will get it,
But then you appreciate those that do.

So again I say,
It is worth it,
I am worth it.

Always Going,
Never Giving Up,

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Moving from 2013 to 2014... Worth it?

2013- Honestly I can say that I am glad that it is over. There were and have been a lot of ups and downs, but more downs this past year. No need to go into all the details, because that would be like writing a book J… but trust me when I say, a lot more downs…

So what would any, shall we say, “positive” person write about then? Well of course the “what did I learn from all of this”… so here goes…

First- People are not who you think they are. People will look you in the face and say one thing, and turn around and do something or say something completely different.

Second- If you have ever said, “Oh, I would never do that,” then you need to really think about what you are saying. When it comes down to it, you never know the circumstances you will be put in that will require you to act in a way that you never thought was possible.

Third- No one has to live my life, I am the only one that does. People have their opinions and that is fine, but when it comes down to it, I am the only one living out my life daily and will be accountable for it in the end.

Fourth- Life isn’t what I thought it was going to be. Even without making plans, I guess I just thought that I would be in a different place at this point in my life in a lot of various areas. Not necessarily bad, just not what I thought.

Fifth (and probably most important)-

            I AM WORTH IT!

Always Going,
Never Giving Up,