Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Adding in Food??? Is this possible???

Well.. It is about that time...

Allergy Tests...

So what does all this mean, and what to do from here...

About 2 weeks ago, I have some updated allergy testing done. Honestly I was dreading going into it, because I just didn't want to do it. I really didn't see the point. I have been doing this for so long, that my thinking was, is a test really going to change how I do things, or change my life?

Well, the tests came out very interesting... most of the things where still positive, but overall my numbers have decreased. Which is pretty amazing considering I'm 30 years old... nothing should really be changing for me, since they have all been there since I was a child, and never improved.

Well guess what came out negative? Fish! Salmon in particular... so the next step is Open Challenge!

Today's the day... the final test to determine if I can start adding fish in my diet! Honestly, of all the things that I am allergic to, it would be nice to add fish into my diet, just because of health reasons! Fish is such a good protein to have in your diet!

As you can see from the picture below... and 5 hrs later... I PASSED!!! Woohoo!!! I would have never thought that I would be sitting here, writing a blog post about passing a food allergy test, but it has happened! It really is a miracle, especially at 30, to be ADDING something to my diet... I have never been able to leave a doctor's office saying that I can ADD something back into my diet!!! I am excited... a little nervous, but overall looking forward to the beginning of adding fish into my everyday life!!! 

Something that I have learned through this whole thing though is... It didn't really matter what the tests show... I love who I am, and who God made me to be... food allergies and all! I have been focusing on exercise, and eating healthy!